Ayúdenos a marcar la diferencia: únase hoy a Safety Net Society

Did you know that monthly giving is one of the most important ways to sustain our programs every day of the year? It's also a more convenient way to make a bigger impact over time. We invite you to join our monthly giving club, the Safety Net Society, where your gift has the power to make a big impact.
When you become a member of the Safety Net Society, you’ll join a dedicated group of supporters that provide a steady and reliable source of funding to help SAFE bridge the gap in mental health and substance abuse disorder care. Your monthly donation will help us expand our efforts and save more lives in our community. Join the Safety Net Society Today!
¿Por qué donar mensualmente?
Las donaciones mensuales brindan un apoyo continuo con el que los miembros de nuestra comunidad pueden contar.
Las donaciones sostenidas nos permiten actuar ahora y planificar el futuro. Estamos ampliando nuestro alcance, nuestros programas y nuestro impacto. Tu donación marca la diferencia.
Establece el monto y listo. Ningún regalo es demasiado pequeño para marcar la diferencia.