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Haz una donación

SAFE depende de la generosidad de donantes como usted. Gracias a su apoyo, podemos continuar con nuestra labor vital de ayudar a las personas afectadas por trastornos por consumo de sustancias y problemas de salud mental. Su compromiso marca una verdadera diferencia en sus vidas y no podríamos lograr nuestra misión sin usted. ¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo!

También puedes enviar donaciones por correo a:

Coalición SAFE
Apartado Postal 434
Franklin, Massachusetts 02038

Número de identificación del empleador de la Coalición SAFE: 81-0856576

Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea ajustar la frecuencia o el monto de su donación recurrente, contáctenos al (508) 488 8105.

Safety Net Society


Did you know that monthly giving is one of the most important ways to sustain our programs every day of the year? It's also a more convenient way to make a bigger impact over time. We invite you to join our monthly giving club, the Safety Net Society, where your gift has the power to make a big impact. 

Tree of Life

The Tree of Life will memorialize loved ones we have lost while also celebrating those who seek recovery. Your contribution to this piece of artwork will be displayed as a permanent reminder of our mission.

A purchased leaf will help provide vital support for individuals and families faced with substance misuse and mental health challenges. Be a part of this special fundraiser and share in the celebration of life.


You can also mail donations to:

SAFE Coalition
PO Box 434
Franklin, MA 02038

SAFE Coalition Employer Identification Number: 81-0856576

If you have any questions or would like to adjust the frequency or amount of your recurring gift, please contact us at (508) 488 8105.

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