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SAFE kicks off all-new online suspension diversion program

Teaching the science of addiction, impact on physical and mental health, and works
with students to build healthy coping strategies, strong decision-making, and a resilient
Teaching the science of addiction, impact on physical and mental health, and works with students to build healthy coping strategies, strong decision-making, and a resilient mindset.

SAFE recently launched its “Up in Smoke” online course, a one-day, completely virtual program for students at risk of substance use and mental health challenges. Schools can elect to offer the course as an alternative to traditional suspension, and students can access the course on any computer with an internet connection.

The online course is built on the same curriculum as SAFE’s in-person diversion program, which has run since 2019 and helped over 150 teens across Massachusetts. The all-new online option eliminates one of teens’ biggest barriers to support: reliable transportation.

“We listened to community feedback and created an offering that can reach even more students regardless of whether they have a license, car, or a reliable ride,” says Jen Levine, CEO of SAFE. “This course is here for you when and where you need it.”

The effect of diversion can be powerful. Schools everywhere are seeing higher levels of positive change from formal consequences that engage learning. “Life is full of challenges and opportunities, and the goal of this program is to help build the tools and confidence to navigate both,” says Emma Kelley, SAFE’s Director of Adolescent Wellness. The program seeks to move beyond traditional suspension methods to one that develops concrete coping strategies.

Up in Smoke encourages students to reflect on choices leading to their current situation and empowers them to make healthier, more informed decisions. The course discusses the impact of substances like cannabis and nicotine on the brain and body, science of addiction, and long-term impacts of unhealthy stress responses and decision making.

It also equips students with strategies for managing stress using interactive exercises, self-reflection prompts, and peer engagement. “This isn’t about judgment or punishment,” says Kelley. “It’s about growth, understanding, and creating a path that aligns with the goals and values that students care about.”

The program also provides next-step resources for students and families as well as signed attendance records for the school.

Up in Smoke is the only Tier II support of its kind in Massachusetts for substance use and mental health. It’s DESE-backed and helps schools comply with Massachusetts state law (2022 MGL c.71), which mandates education-based suspension alternatives.

Up in Smoke Online is completely free and referrals can be made by school staff, clinicians, or parents. For more information, contact SAFE or visit our website.

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